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艺术研究 2016年第07期杂志 文档列表

Narrative Strategies and Aesthetic Ethics of Nabokovian Otherworld in Lolita and Pale Fire第709-721页
关键词: 叙事策略;  伦理;  审美;  修辞手法;  火焰检测;  人类意识;  塔;  美学;  
"A Walk in Between"--On Hart Crane's Imagination of Representational Space and Representations of Space in The Bridge第722-735页
关键词: 和空间;  起重机;  表征;  抽象空间;  布鲁克林;  情感体验;  资本积累;  资本主义;  
Cultural Transference of Plant and Animal Images in Shijing Translation第736-743页
关键词: 英文翻译;  文化迁移;  动植物;  意象;  动物形象;  文化发展;  文化内涵;  
Postcolonialism and the Feminine in Paulina Chiziane's O alegre canto da perdiz第744-750页
关键词: 后殖民主义;  女性化;  非洲大陆;  莫桑比克;  社会问题;  尼日利亚;  过程识别;  玛丽亚;  
The Profundity Entailed in the Poetic Language: A Stylistic Analysis of W. B. Yeats' Leda and the Swan第751-759页
关键词: 天鹅;  语言;  体分析;  诗歌;  蕴涵;  中心问题;  声音模式;  美学意义;  
On the Riddle of "The Russian Sphinx"第760-768页
关键词: 俄罗斯;  面像;  狮;  文化传统;  社会意识;  知识分子;  古希腊;  想象力;  
On the Conceptual Shift and Collocation Between Concreteness and Abstractness——Analysis of The Mill by a New Poet in China第769-774页
关键词: 抽象思维;  诗人;  中国;  具象;  搭配;  语言能力;  人称代词;  概念图;  
Modem Iranian Literature: The Historical and Present Development of the Short Story Genre第775-784页
关键词: 短篇小说;  历史记载;  文学;  伊朗;  体裁;  文化生活;  历史事件;  全球性问题;  
Man' s Interaction With Himself in The Old Man and the Sea With the View of Existentialism第785-789页
关键词: 老人;  海洋;  生命哲学;  存在主义;  相互作用;  哲学观;  故事;  
The Art of Authenticity: Constantin Stanislavski and Merleau-Ponty第790-803页
关键词: 艺术家;  梅;  组成部分;  人际交流;  有效使用;  俄罗斯;  原理图;  
English Christmas Pantomime: Theatre or Community Activism第804-810页
关键词: 社区参与;  英语;  剧院;  家庭娱乐;  团队建设;  慈善机构;  公民意识;  本结构;  
An Assessment of the Role of Art as a Resource for Learning and Development of the Child With Computer Applications第811-823页
关键词: 艺术作品;  计算机应用;  学习;  资源;  评估;  创新精神;  发展中国家;  corel;  
Duties of a Cinematographer in Creating a Film第824-827页
关键词: 摄影师;  职责;  电影;  乌兹别克;  艺术作品;  
The Impacts of Co-creation of Local Culture English Books on EFL 5th Graders' English Vocabulary Ability and Local Cultural Knowledge第828-848页
关键词: 英语词汇;  本土文化;  知识;  学生;  能力;  创作;  英语水平;  数据收集;  
Teacher Training in Turkey From Historical Perspective第849-854页
关键词: 教师培训;  土耳其;  历史;  教育政策;  政府政策;  教育系统;  企业员工;  招聘;