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艺术研究 2015年第07期杂志 文档列表

Decadence and Mass Culture: The Novel as a Panorama. The Case of Bruges-La-Morte第481-494页
关键词: 大众文化;  香格里拉;  全景;  小说;  案例;  科技发展;  阅读方法;  象征主义;  
The Bamboos of Blekinge: The Writing of Cultures in Swedish Proletarian Fiction第495-504页
关键词: 文化空间;  瑞典;  小说;  英语翻译;  写作;  竹子;  创作方式;  金;  
On the Generation of Nominalization and its Ecological Significance in Poetic Language第505-512页
关键词: 生态意义;  名词;  诗歌;  语言;  生态世界观;  意识形态;  环境问题;  原发性;  
Postcolonialism and Socio-political Development in Africa: Learning Through the Literary Eyes of Ngugi Wa Thiong'O第521-530页
关键词: 后殖民主义;  社会;  政治;  文学;  非洲;  眼睛;  学习;  肯尼亚;  
In Tempore Belli: Reflections on the Sense of the Universal in George Crumb's Music of the Vietnam War第531-543页
关键词: 越南战争;  音乐感;  宇宙;  克拉;  流行音乐;  普遍性;  决定性;  面包屑;  
Social Media Sites Enhance Online Teaching and Learning Activities: Instructors' Perceptions: A Case Study第544-560页
关键词: 在线教学;  媒体网站;  学习活动;  社会;  教师;  学习管理系统;  数据收集;  发展中国家;  
Literature as a Means to Foster Tolerance and Respect第561-564页
关键词: 培养;  文学;  创造意识;  传统文化;  全球化;  
A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Image Construction of BRIC Bank from Mainstream Media's Perspective-- A Case Study of China Daily第565-572页
关键词: 发展中国家;  世界银行;  形象建设;  流媒体;  语料库;  金砖;  日报;  驱动;