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艺术研究 2015年第01期杂志 文档列表

The Bird Coming out of the Cage: Edna's Awakening in The Awakening第1-7页
关键词: 醒觉;  鸟;  自我意识;  自我实现;  人道主义;  代表作;  象征性;  吸引力;  
The Philosophy of a Dialogue and the Process of Understanding the Identities and Alterities第8-15页
关键词: 哲学;  对话;  文化认同;  元素组成;  全球化;  文学;  
Author as a Medium: Strategies of Embodiment of Text in Poetry Slam第16-21页
关键词: 诗歌;  文本;  媒介;  排版语言;  生产过程;  排斥反应;  打印介质;  作者;  
Drawing Essence from Ancient to Nourishing the New A Study of REN Ping's Calligraphic Art第22-29页
关键词: 书法艺术;  滋补;  古代;  中国传统文化;  古典风格;  绘画;  人际关系;  艺术创作;  
The Effect of Music Therapy for Patients With Huntington's Disease: A Systematic Literature Review第30-40页
关键词: 药物治疗;  音乐疗法;  文献综述;  系统;  患者;  精神障碍;  亨廷顿病;  遗传特征;  
Poussin's Kingdom of Flora: Love in the Garden第41-52页
关键词: 植物;  艺术博物馆;  桑;  古典主义;  花园;  德克萨斯州;  奖学金;  艺术家;  
Wifehood and Silent Separatist Policy in Alan Paton' s Cry, The Beloved Country第53-63页
关键词: 分裂;  自由主义;  家庭生活;  种族主义;  南非;  妇女;  社会;  
Transformational Leadership: The Emerging Leadership Style of Successful Entrepreneurs第64-72页
关键词: 企业家;  风格;  领导行为;  记者采访;  定性描述;  半结构化;  创业者;  
Why the Yangzi Delta Did Not Become Industrialized: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Developments in China's Yangzi Delta Region and Great Britain第73-78页
关键词: 长江三角洲地区;  工业化;  中国;  经济发展;  英国;  家庭成员;  人口增长;  手工业;  
Dynamics of Globalization: Linguistic and Cultural Perspectives in Nigeria第79-85页
关键词: 尼日利亚;  文化复兴;  全球化;  语言;  国际经济;  组成部分;  信息技术;  自由化;  
The Rational Man Model in Social and Political Studies: A Plea for Relevance第86-92页
关键词: 政治;  社会;  模型;  理性;  关联;  形式逻辑;  充分条件;  事件;