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艺术研究 2015年第11期杂志 文档列表

The Aboriginal-White Relationship in The Secret River and Carpentaria第947-958页
关键词: 土著人;  澳大利亚;  本质主义;  小说;  作家;  原住民;  宇宙观;  白度;  
The Cyborg Entity in Gibson's Neuromancer: An Idealistic "Cyborg Manifesto?"第959-969页
关键词: 实体;  吉普;  机械人;  理想;  性别化;  生化特性;  电子人;  边界;  
The Spirit of Zhuangzi and Chinese Utopian Imagination第970-984页
关键词: 乌托邦;  精神;  中国;  庄子;  林语堂;  新农村;  周作人;  心理战;  
From the Romantic Sea to the Sea as the Global Commons" Portrayals of the Waterbody in Longfellow, Melville, and Ian Wedde第985-996页
关键词: 描绘;  大海;  浪漫;  梅;  水体;  资本主义;  经济全球化;  环境问题;  
Facts or Quests: The Controversy Around the Facts of Melville's Stay in Marquesas第997-1002页
关键词: 梅;  停留;  虚构;  旅行;  麦;  
Shakespeare' s Sonnets Dated第1003-1019页
关键词: 莎士比亚;  标准方案;  周期比;  重复利用;  伊丽莎白;  回声;  学者;  骨架;  
Ekphrasis in Houellebecq's The Map and the Territory as Mise-en-Abyme and as Metafiction第1020-1029页
关键词: 主人公;  小说;  地图;  嵌套式;  视觉艺术;  结构;  艺术作品;  中心位置;  
A Comparative Analysis of Causes of Tom's and Eliza's Different Fates in Uncle Tom's Cabin第1030-1034页
关键词: 原因;  美国人;  非洲;  自由;  
The Shadow Lines as a Post Modem Novel第1035-1041页
关键词: 后现代主义;  小说;  阴影线;  现实主义;  写作风格;  民族主义;  和空间;  全球化;  
On Eugene O'Neill Inheritance to Greek Tragedy in Desire Under the Elms第1042-1046页
关键词: 奥尼尔;  古希腊;  悲剧;  欲望;  榆树;  写作能力;  元素;  金;  
Engaging College Students in Experiential Learning: Learning Through Serving, Inspiring Through Experience, and Creating Identity Through Bilingual Poetry第1047-1056页
关键词: 诗歌创作;  大学生;  学习;  双语;  服务;  激发;  新墨西哥;  教学经验;  
An Introduction to An English-Chinese Dictionary and A Portuguese-Chinese Dictionary Views on the Language and Society in Canton Area From Two Unpublished Official Collative Dictionaries Compiled in the 18th Century第1057-1069页
关键词: 英汉词典;  广东地区;  社会背景;  校勘;  官方;  编制;  语言;  视图;  
What Motivate Sudanese Students to Leam English as a Foreign Language?第1070-1080页
关键词: 学习动机;  大学生;  苏丹;  英语;  语言;  相关分析方法;  学生成绩;  学习成绩;  
Changing Content of Translators' Prefaces: With Special Reference to China Yilin Press's Translated Publications第1081-1089页
关键词: 翻译过程;  出版物;  出版社;  中国;  演变趋势;  分类方案;  作者简介;  作者信息;  
Assessing Creative Writing in a Postmodem Era第1090-1097页
关键词: 写作指导;  评价;  创意;  代时;  审美价值;  文本;  学生;  客观性;